I'm angry. Upset. Irritated. All of the above.
Wanna know why? Read this: http://www.thestate.com/politics/story/634720.html
Basically, the governor of South Carolina is holding unemployed people hostage to his whacked-out idea that by not signing for a Federal loan will cause an agency to reform overnight.
Currently in South Carolina, there are 77,000 people on the unemployment rolls, making it 4th in the nation for unemployment. Considering the growth of the unemployment rate, the low charges to businesses in South Carolina for unemployment insurance, and the lack of fore-thinking by ANYONE have created a perfect storm of a dwindling unemployment benefit trust fund. As of Wednesday, the South Carolina trust fund is depleted and there are no more unemployment checks for anyone.
The South Carolina Employment Security Commission (ESC) asked for a $147 million loan from the Federal Government (which must be repaid.) Governor Sanford is refusing to sign the loan request. Instead, he is grandstanding on the backs of the unemployed, demanding that ESC submit to a legislative audit and to cooperate with the Department of Commerce.
I get that ESC needs to be more transparent in its actions. I really do - I've been working with ESC for over a year to get them to the table to sign off on a project that is nothing but benefit for them. What I don't get is Mark Sanford's timing. The unemployed are already down and out - are you trying to kick them in the nuts again, Mr. Sanford? It's the holidays, people are already feeling pretty damn miserable, so you just want to up the ante and add no more unemployment benefits to them? It would be a pretty interesting study to see if the rate of suicide among the unemployed has gone up in the last month here in South Carolina.
And ESC, get over yourselves. It's time to stop building brick walls, tear down the ones you have in place, and start working with other agencies. Your dogma of non-cooperation is damaging the very people you are supposed to be helping.
And US DOL, it's time to intervene and get these warring parties to the table.
Give people some hope for the new year.
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